Building the capacity for research informed teaching and learning

Project team: Professor Kara Chan (leader), Professor Noel Siu, Professor Gina Lai,
and Mr. Chak Hee Lo.

This project was fully funded by UGC’s Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning, Project title: Building the Capacity of Research-Informed Teaching and Learning in the Virtual T&L Context, 2021-22.

HKBU Best Practices Cases

Case 1

Dr. Vivienne Leung
Communication Studies

Case 2

Dr. Melannie Zhan
Communication Studies

Case 3

Dr. Benjamin Ka Lung Cheng and Dr. Wai Sing Tsen

Case 4

Prof. Noel Siu, Dr. Candy Ho, Dr. Tracy Junfeng Zhang, and Dr. Fred Yim

Case 5

Prof. Kara Chan
Communication Studies

Case 6

Prof. Gina Lai

Case 7

Dr. Iulia Gheorghiu

Research informed T&L Cases

Research Informed T&L Case 1

Political Science | Law

Research Informed T&L Case 2

Social Science

Research Informed T&L Case 3


Research Informed T&L Case 4

UG Researchers | Teaching and Learning

Research Informed T&L Case 5

Consumer Behavior

Research Informed T&L Case 6

Marketing Awards Program

Research Informed T&L Case 7

Survey-Media Partnership

Research Informed T&L Case 8


Research Informed T&L Case 9


Research Informed T&L Case 10



Implementing a GE Capstone research project on children as smart consumers



U Choose Awards: A high impact marketing research and community engagement project

James MEAD and Steven LEMAY


Spencer Chan Pak Yiu participated in a study on bus advertising

Spencer CHAN Pak Yiu


Vania Kwok Wing Yan participated in GE Capstone research project on children as smart consumers

Vania KWOK Wing Yan


Issac Lui Tin Nok participated in a field experiment related to marketing of museums

Issac LUI Tin Nok


Lyn Zeng Yuxuan participated in a study on MTR advertising

Lyn ZENG Yuxuan


Cora Zhu Zijin participated in a field experiment related to marketing of museums

Cora ZHU


Nicole Mak Cheuk Ying and Eugene Wan Cheuk Lai participated in a study of public service advertisements on the MTR

Nicole MAK and Eugene WAN


Project Summary

Course-based research empowers students in both knowledge generation and in taking responsibility for learning (Harland and Wald, 2018). With this in mind, this website was designed to help build the capacity of research-informed teaching and learning through the sharing of instructors at HKBU and other universities implementing undergraduate research design. It also documents some of the students’ learning journeys regarding their experience of course-based research.

This project was fully funded by UGC’s Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning, Project title: Building the Capacity of Research-Informed Teaching and Learning in the Virtual Teaching & Learning Context, 2021-22.


Professor Kara Chan (leader)

Department of Communication Studies

Professor Noel Siu

Department of Marketing

Professor Gina Lai

Department of Sociology

Mr. Chak Hee Lo

Project assistant

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