What is the project about?

In times of uncertainties where virtual learning has become not only prominent, but even serves as the only option for learning during class suspension, it is vital that learning resources are made available for students to explore through digital means. Funded by the UGC’s Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning, this digital archive aims to showcase exemplary student works from the Department of Communication Studies (COMS) for facilitating peer learning. Specifically, the course objectives, learning experiences and the process of creating the class project are documented in the form of short videos. Students can access the videos from this archive anytime anywhere when they need inspirations from those who had experienced what they are about to.

We believe this is both an inspiring and convenient way through which students can learn from others’ experiences, making up for part of the interactions lost between students and enrich student e-learning and peer learning experiences.



PRAD3076 Communication Training for Organizations

PRAD3046 Audience Measurement and Engagement

PRAD3046 Audience Measurement and Engagement

PRAD3035 Public Relations Writing

PRAD3106 Strategic Communication Internship and Practicum

PRAD4016 Strategic Issues and Crisis Management

PRAD2046 Internal Communication and Employee Engagement

PRAD3075 Intercultural Communication

PRAD3007 Advertising and Visualization

PRAD3106 Strategic Internship and Practicum

PRAD2047 Advanced Media Design for Corporate Communication

PRAD2026 Organizational Communication (AY2021-2022)

ORGC2025 Interpersonal Communication (AY2021-2022)

PRAD3066 Writing for Professional Communication (AY2021-2022)

COMM2026 Human Communication (AY2021-2022)

ORGC3007/PRAD3076 Organizational Communication Training and Development (AY2021-2022)

PRAD3047 Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Engagement (AY2021-2022)

PRAD3046 Audience Measurement and Engagement (AY2021-2022)

PRAD4047 Service Experiences and Luxury Branding (AY2021-2022)

COMM2026 Human Communication (AY2021-2022)

PRAD2027 Communication for Service Management

ORGC2025 Interpersonal Communication (AY2021-2022)

PRAD4895 PRA Honours Project (AY2021)

PRAD2005 Introduction to Public Relations & Advertising (AY2021)

PRAD3017 Strategic Communication Emerging Media Trends (AY2021)

GDCV1017 Communication in Interpersonal Encounters (AY2021)

ORGC2025/PRAD2037 Interpersonal Communication (AY2021)

ORGC4027 Special Topics in Communication Studies

PRAD4036 Social Communication & Advertising (AY2021)


Dr. Henry T. Y. FUNG

Principal Investigator

Ms. Jacey Lau

Project Coordinator

Mr. Malik Zain

Video Producer

Contact Us

Hong Kong Baptist University
Department of Communication Studies
Lee Shau Kee Communication and Visual Arts Building
5 Hereford Road,
Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

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