Short Bio of
Ringo Ma
Ringo Ma's Chinese Name

Ringo Ma (Ph.D., University of Florida), Professor Emeritus of the School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), was recipient of 1997 Distinguished Scholarship Award from the International and Intercultural Communication Division of the National Communication Association (for the "Best Article" published in 1996), and 2005 Excellent Service Award from the Association for Chinese Communication Studies (ACCS). At HKBU, he received 2013 President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Service, and 2007/2009/2011/2012 Awards for School of Communication's Outstanding Performance in Teaching. He was selected as "Scholar of K.C. Wong Education Foundation Academic Lecture Sponsorship Scheme 2013" by the University and delivered lectures at Tsinghua University, Communication University of China, Peking University and Renmin University of China. In addition, he was invited to author the article, "Status of Media in Taiwan," for the Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications (2003).

He has taught in Canada and the U.S., and was promoted to Professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia in 2000. In 2011, he served as a visiting professor at National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, Taiwan for six months, under the auspices of the National Science Council of Taiwan. In addition, he has guest-lectured at many universities in mainland China.

His major research area is communication and culture in East Asia and North America. He has contributed articles to Quarterly Journal of Speech, Communication Quarterly (2), Southern Communication Journal (2), International and Intercultural Communication Annual (2), Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, World Communication, Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of Asian and African Studies, and Mass Communication Research, and is guest editor of a special issue of Asian Journal of Communication on "Media, Crisis, & SARS" (2005), editor of two Chinese books in health communication, and co-editor of the book, Chinese Conflict Management and Resolution (2002). His research is cited in many books and journal articles in intercultural communication, communication theory, organizational communication and interpersonal communication. His professional services include president of the Association for Chinese Communication Studies (ACCS), chair of the Intercultural Communication Interest Group of Eastern [States] Communication Association (ECA), an associate editor of Quarterly Journal of Speech (1998-2001), a consulting editor of Volumes 20-22 & 26-28 of International and Intercultural Communication Annual, an editorial advisor of Chinese Journal of Communication Research, and a guest reviewer for Western Journal of Communication, Howard Journal of Communications, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies,Intercultural Communication Studies, Journal of Pragmatics, Mass Communication Research, Electronic Journal of Communication, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, etc.